The recent RoseCCS apartment project highlights our wide range of classic construction abilities. The creation of this new legal basement apartment underneath a Toronto historical, circa 1880, home demonstrates our skills in both new construction and renovation. Prior to project commencement the home, as built, had no original basement. Under the home was an approximately 2′ crawl space crammed with a haphazard array of household services.
Initially a subcontractor was called in to provide digging and underpinning services. When this stage of work was near completion RoseCCS took on the task of reworking all of the household services in preparation for creating an atypical basement living space with plenty of light, reasonable ceiling heights, and a complete lack of bulkheads.
Once the main household services were updated, compartmentized, and neatly tucked away this allowed RoseCCS to create a new seperate apartment with the look, feel, fit, and finish of a moderately high end Toronto condo discreetly tucked under a classic century+ home.
- Updated services
Along with modern fixtures, and a healthy quantity of high efficiency lighting built in, this new living space was outfitted with modern feeling natural marble tiling.
Offsetting the modern components a healthy quantity of solid wood was integrated into the space to pay tribute to the heritage above.